Calgary Lawn Mowing
At the beginning of each season before you start mowing your lawn, check that the mower blades are sharp. This will prevent shredding the ends of the grass blades which will then dry out and give your lawn a yellowish appearance.
When lawn mowing in the spring, our FIRST mowing should be a short mowing. Lower your mower blade to 1 1/2 inch which will help to remove more of the dead grass from the previous year. We recommend a power raking in the spring as an alternative to this. Power Raking will deep clean out excess thatch and our service includes a mowing after to vacuum up excess clippings and groom the lawn.
After the first mowing, raise the mower blade to a setting of 2 1/2 – 3 inches. the higher mowing leaves more of the grass blade exposed which will allow for better moisture retention and eliminate the “yellowing effect” caused by mowing too short.
When mowing your lawn, never remove more than 1/3 of the grass blade at one time. Doing so will give your lawn an overall yellowish color since the ends of the grass have the deepest green color. Alternate the pattern of mowing each time, side to side then front to back.
The last mowing of the season should also be short (1 1/2″). This will help to prevent snow mold an make Spring Cleanup much easier.