The benefits of hiring a lawn care company
It’s a question of whether to hire a lawn care company to take care of all your lawn care needs or to do it yourself. While many do-it-yourself-ers enjoy the task of caring for their lawns, many of you are very busy and your time priorities lie elsewhere.
Whether you need help with just a few lawn care services or want someone to handle it all from start to finish, we at Greener Grass are here to help.
Check for Insurance, Licencing and Bonds
It’s important when hiring a company to do the lawn care services for you that you choose a company that has the required Insurance, Licencing and Bonds in place. Greener Grass has been in business for 33 years and we have all of these requirements.
Our trained lawn care specialists will make sure that all services are performed properly, at the correct time and will give you the results you desire. We aim to make sure you are pleased with our service and happy with the results.
Our knowledgeable staff are always happy to help with any lawn care issues or questions you may have. If you’re not sure when to water or how much water is needed, we can help.
Proper lawn cutting is very important and we can make sure that you have your lawn mower set at the correct height and that you know how often you should be mowing your lawn.
Greener Grass does not offer lawn cutting services but we can give you referrals should you need them.
Enjoy a green, weed free lawn
Greener Grass offers 3 different Fertilizer and Weed Control Programs. The “Standard” Liquid Program, The Premium Slow Release Granular Program and the Organic Program.
All programs are set up with 4 applications through the season at approximately 6-week intervals. Each one offers weed control at each application on a spot treatment or “as needed” basis.
With this method, we are able to make sure your lawn is weed-free all season long while only applying weed control when and where it’s needed. We can help you choose the lawn fertilizer and weed control program that is right for you.
Have you ever driven around the neighbourhood and noticed a lawn that is full of yellow dead spots. Often, the homeowner will purchase a product to get rid of weeds without understanding that there’s a difference between weed control and round-up.
Weed control is used for getting rid of the weeds on your lawn but will not damage the lawn itself.
Round-up will kill everything it comes in contact with, including the lawn, therefore is only meant to be used in areas where all growth is to be killed.
Power raking and aeration services can be physically demanding and require renting of specialized equipment. A lawn care company can make sure the correct equipment is used in a safe manner and ensure the job is done correctly.
We want you to enjoy the warm summer days relaxing or doing the things you love. If you don’t enjoy or have the time to handle the services required to have a beautiful, green, weed-free lawn then hiring a lawn care company to look after them for you may be the answer.